City Greens' Supa' Fresh Veggie Mobile rolls up on 39th and Russell every Wednesday morning from 9 to 11 AM. Read more about it, from our friends at the Shaw Housing Corporation, and check it out this morning.
Teri was recently featured in this Post-Dispatch Editorial, on behalf of the United Way Choir. To those who know Teri as your child's one-time music teacher, the fact that she leads this volunteer choir should surprise no one. Last year, she retired from St. Margaret of Scotland School, but now works for The Muny. Still, [...]
In light of this weekend's workshop, I've been asked how the proposed Shaw safety model will work. This story from Channel 4 does a great job of showing how Lafayette Square started the model, and how Dutchtown and Tower Grove South are implementing it. I hope to see all of you this Saturday 10AM at [...]
Last month, the SNIA Board of Directors, with the consent of ShawTalk's fearless moderator, Dave Lloyd, approved a set of guidelines for the listserv. The objective was simple: define ShawTalk's mission, put in writing some common-sense framework for all to keep in mind, and support the listserv (and Dave) with enforcement. This made sense, especially [...]
From The Shaw Neighborhood Housing Corporation, comes this update on new residential projects in the pipeline.
Just in case you haven't seen the billboard, banners or web ads, or heard the mentions on KWMU, the first annual Shaw Performing Arts & Crafts Festival kicks off tomorrow night, with a concert on Shenandoah. See the attached flyer for more schedule details, and help us make this inaugural event a success! SPACFEST FLYER
Just think of this Sunday's Big BIG Tour as one BIG open house. SNIA and the Shaw Neighborhood Housing Corp (SNHC) are proud to partner and represent our neighborhood, at the start of this year's tour - which takes place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. this Sunday. It's it's the only free city-wide tour [...]
It's been way too long between posts... Joan Jennings of our Executive Committee has worked feverishly with the producers of the new Shaw Performing Arts & Crafts Festival. We hope the inaugural event has a strong showing, and we could use your help - both volunteering and spreading the word! See below: 1ST ANNUAL SHAW PERFORMING ARTS [...]
Recently, David Lott, Tower Grove East President, and Harold Blackorby, Compton Heights President, met with Alan Renner, the QuickTrip representative assigned to the project. They explained the neighborhood's concerns with the proposed QuickTrip & Received this reply after their meeting: From David Lott's posting on the TGENA listserve: Thanks for meeting with me to discuss [...]
Both sides were very principled in their arguments, and both carried solid points to the table...and both sides had strong backing. What makes this compromise different than some of the stuff we've read about in the news? Everything about this deal makes sense. Congratulations to the St. Louis Police Officers Association and the City of [...]
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