In the St. Louis Beacon’s tradition of in-depth reporting, Shaw will be featured as part of a series on how the City’s decline in population doesn’t tell the whole story.  I, for one, am anxious to see what it shows – though many of us have our guesses.  The fact is, our neighborhood has seen significant and continuous investment, even now, while we’re in the midst of one of the worst housing markets in our country’s history.  And, homes continue to sell at a decent price per square foot.  And, while we still face quality of life issues, our neighborhood is in much better shape than it was 10 years ago.  If I had to guess, I think a harder look at the data will show that we’re just getting started, but I’ll leave the more expert analysis to The Beacon.

You can read the series overview, here, and look out for an upcoming story on our neighborhood.

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