Award winning artist Mark Hurd will be joining us at the Historic Shaw Art Fair for the 11th year in a row! This talented artist has participated in multiple local art fairs during his time, but admittedly states that the Shaw Art Fair will always remain one of his favorites.

Back in his childhood, Mark always had a fancy for painting and drawing. He put this interest into high gear when he attended Washington University Fine Art School. Having enrolled in art school after years of working in the advertising industry, Mark found himself refreshed by the change of pace that he was now experiencing through pursuing the career of an artist. Also during his time at Washington University, Mark met Bill Kohn, his painting professor that served as a strong motivation for him. “He painted in very bright colors of simplified organic and geometric shapes, especially his series from Italy I think, which really inspired me.”

Digital art is Mark’s medium of choice, and he first began to experiment with this art form during the 22 years that he worked for a large corporation as an Art Director. Marks pieces are photography based, and to produce them he layers individually drawn shapes of color. The common theme of landscapes and landmarks, often found in St. Louis, Chicago, New York, and California are found frequently in his works.  This idea was first suggested to Mark at his first ever art show by artist Eleanor Rueuter. “That’s when my artwork and style took off,” shared Mark.

Mark continues to grow as an artist today, striving to mold his technique to become looser and more abstract. When asked if Mark faces any challenges concerning his artwork, he explained the process of digital art lacks appreciation in the world today “Digital art is like any other art form; it takes time and skill to develop and is in every way as creative as painting, sculpture or any others,” Mark explained about his craft.

The Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association is pleased to welcome back Mark Hurd for his 11th year at the art fair! Make sure to stop by and view the creative works of this passionate digital artist.

mark hurd

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