I wrote this bucket list last July and here’s the update! Italicized items were achieved, bolded items have yet to happen. Who wants to make these dreams a reality with me, particularly #18 or #29? Find me on NextDoor, let’s hang out!
1. Enjoy being able to get to Tower Grove Park without a car.
3. Sell or buy something at Olive Branch Exchange.
4. Spend a little time picking up trash in your alley.
5. Support a local business with a word of encouragement or a review.
6. Eat a full meal on the patio of Thurman Grill & Provisions.
7. Marvel at how spacious & cool the bathroom is at Sasha’s on Shaw.
8. Contribute to ShawTalk.
9. Attend a neighborhood meeting or event.
10. Take a walk.
11. Appreciate how good some people are at landscaping.
12. Dream of the day that you will be good at landscaping.
13. Represent with a Shaw Nuff or Tower Grove tshirt or sticker from STL-Style.
14. Eat a cupcake from SweetArt.
15. Realize how good their food looks and resist the urge to get a cupcake.
16. Start going there with the admitted intention of eating a delicious and nutritious meal AND a cupcake.
17. Get a haircut in this neighborhood (we have multiple options!)
18. See the inside of all of the churches here.
19. Spend at least 5 minutes at Dorothy Park being totally still and silent. (Shenandoah and Thurman)
20. Go down a slide at Juanita Park (40XX Shenandoah).
21. Volunteer at, contribute to, buy from or just visit the annual plant swap and sale.
22. Make all your friends jealous by biking/walking to the Whitaker Music Festival at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
23. Buy all new bedroom furniture on a whim from MOBOT’s Little Shop Around the Corner‘s annual clearance sale.
24. Interact with the Shaw Art Fair in some way, shape or form.
25. Enjoy the home cookin’ of Mama Josephine’s.
26. Patronize both Shaw’s Market (Shaw & Klemm) and Salamah’s (Shaw & 39th).
27. This is a tad outside of Shaw but it’s worth it; eat the best blueberry muffin of your life from Fresh Gatherings, the cafe run by nutrition students at SLU. 
28. Get stuck on a dog walk without a bag to pick up you-know-what and thank Shaw for having a dogpark stashed with extras that you can use (and replenish later).
29. Walk every square inch of the streets of this neighborhood.
30. Read the neighborhood blog.
32. Lend something to or borrow something from a neighbor!

-resident blogger Emma Klues


  1. Dana Gray November 19, 2013 at 5:57 pm - Reply

    This is a great list Emma. I wish to suggest one to add to the list: Imagine you are on an wonderful vacation each time you bike or walk through Tower Grove Park.

  2. Laura November 19, 2013 at 7:45 pm - Reply

    The park does almost feel like you’re in another country or another time sometimes, doesn’t it Dana? It’s truly magical.

  3. Dmitriy April 17, 2014 at 4:39 pm - Reply

    Great list!!! I would also add,
    join shawnextdoor,
    Check out new opened Catering Station and Coffee shop on Thurman
    Also vacation homes in Shaw (few neighbors open their spare home for St Louis visitors and your family visits)

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