Want a fresh salad with your dinner or just realized you ran out of grapes?  Shaw residents can soon run down to the corner store for those items.  A new initiative called “The St. Louis Healthy Corner Store Project” has selected Regal Food III, at Shaw and Klemm, to participate in this program.  It seeks to promote healthy eating habits for neighborhood residents by partnering with store owners, community leaders, and organizations in a comprehensive “nutrition education” plan.  Regal Food III will receive publicity and promotion, access to business resources, and mentoring support from the program, which is funded in part by the Missouri Foundation for Health.  The Shaw community, with support from the Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association, will receive nutrition education classes, assistance with events that promote the Healthy Store project, and advice on community health and wellness activities.  The store will benefit inside and out, as façade improvements and sidewalk repairs are also being planned by the Shaw Housing Corporation and the City of St. Louis.  All in all, our new Healthy Corner Store is just another reason that makes Shaw one of the best neighborhoods in St. Louis!
-Cara Jensen, 8th Ward Democratic Committee Chairwoman


One Comment

  1. Shaw Becomes Heathier | March 20, 2012 at 10:51 am - Reply

    […] The Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association recently assisted with the application and helped the Regal 3 corner store (corner of Klemm/Shaw) win a grant to participate in the “St. Louis Healthy Corner Store Project.”  Cara Jensen  recently posted this blog about the program on the Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association’s website.  http://shawstlouis.wordpress.com/2012/03/04/shaw-becomes-healthier/ […]

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