Artist Bill Lemke was born, raised, and currently resides in Waukesha Wisconsin. A seasoned artist, Bill has shown his pieces in various art shows for the last 39 years. The Historic Shaw Art Fair has had the pleasure of Bill’s attendance for over the last 12 years, and now we welcome back this film photographer just in time for his 40th anniversary of art shows!

Ever since high school, Bill knew that film photography was his passion. This passion has continued to grow, evolve, and remain intact throughout his whole life thus far. “I have never lost the desire to make photographs over all these years,” he shared. The new trend of digital photography has not affected the work of this tried and true film photographer. Working mostly with large format film, Bill skillfully prints his photos in a darkroom. “Today it is hard to get people to understand first of all what film is in this digital world and how it is very different from digital photography,” the artist elaborated. This classic art form is alive and thriving, untouched by computer editing software.

Because he is a film photographer, Bill has the perks of traveling a great deal and observing many beautiful environments. The artist feels very fortunate that his craft brings him to a wide variety of settings and offers him the opportunity to experience breathtaking landscapes. “We all need to appreciate the world around us and the beauty that is everywhere especially in the natural world,” Bill explained. He hopes that he can impart this ideal in viewers through his work.

In less than two weeks, come by the Historic Shaw Art Fair to view Bill Lemke’s film photographs. Welcome back for another year at the Historic Shaw Art Fair, Bill- and congratulations on 50 years of art shows!


One Comment

  1. Maureen March 20, 2019 at 11:33 am - Reply

    Your story is very inspiring. I admire people like him who are successful in the career they have chosen.

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