LynnTerryWhen Bike Works moved its operation from Shenandoah & Thurman in Shaw to the Soulard neighborhood, Lynn Terry was happy to repurpose the site. In the space that once overflowed with bicycles, there now resides a chic pet boutique, The Wagamama, and the studio utilized by Lynn Terry Photography.

Wagamama, which translates to “spoiled rotten child” in Japanese, is set to be a one-stop shop for pet owners. Where there were once chains, spokes, and frames in need of refurbishing, there are now hand-painted dog-themed jewelry, pet beds, pet clothing, and greeting cards, all produced by local artists. Terry’s endeavor seeks to provide an outlet for St. Louis area creatives and a mecca for animal lovers.

At the back of the space at 4102 Shenandoah, Terry does all manner of studio photography. Her specialties are pin-up work and pet photography. Her popular book of artful dog images, Tails from the Booth, was published last year and is available at The Wagamama. It was so sought-after, Terry had eight publishers negotiating with her over the deal.


Three Things

What or who in Shaw is the thing/person you cannot live without?
Terry: “If I’m not saying my husband-too obvious-then I would say Tower Grove Park. I picked Shaw over Fox Park, because I wanted to be near TGP. I chose a higher-priced home because I wanted that park. I walk my dogs there all the time. It’s my favorite park in the entire city.”

What’s on your Shaw bucket list?
Terry: “I haven’t been to the art fair. I feel really embarrassed to say that. October is prime wedding season. With the store being open, I would actually like to participate.”

If you could time travel into the future, and landed in Shaw, what would you like to see?
Terry: “I think we’re on a good path with the stuff that’s been opening. The alley looks cleaner. (Laughs.) I grew up where yards were immaculate and alleys were spotless. I like things clean, orderly, and linear. It would just be a sign of how good the neighborhood’s doing.”

Terry also confided, “I’ve always lived in the city. I grew up in St. Louis Hills, had a studio in Lafayette Square in the old Baker’s Yeast Factory-next door to Square One Brewery. I live on Flad here in Shaw. This is my space; my community. Where else would I want to be?”

The Wagamama
(314) 749-5153
Friday 11-4, Saturday 10-5

Lynn Terry Photography
(314) 749-5153

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