1. Donald Mosby April 20, 2011 at 7:20 am - Reply

    It’s so wonderful to see the neighbors from my block out cleaning up the streets and alleys of the neighborhood. It’s just too bad that more of the other blocks around don’t do it also. It takes just a little time and energy when you have lots of people helping. I have lived on the 4000 block of Botanical for nine years now and it only gets better with time. I am greatful that we care enough to keep each other safe and watch after each other. The block cleanup is just another reason that I LOVE my block and fellow neighbors. D. Mosby 4000 Botanical.

    • D.Ray April 20, 2011 at 8:39 am - Reply

      Thanks for the comment! The block cleanup not only makes the neighborhood look better, but is also a great way to meet neighbors and strengthen the social fabric of our neighborhood!


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