The Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association is recommending that Shaw residents follow CDC and St. Louis City guidelines for safe trick-or-treating this Halloween. These guidelines may be updated at any time due to changing circumstances, but here are the guidelines for neighborhood trick-or-treating from the City of St. Louis as of 10/7/2020.

Parents or guardians who intend to take their child(ren) trick-or-treating need to practice social distancing, masking, and proper handwashing to protect everyone’s health and safety. Please follow these guidelines for Halloween-related events.

1. Only persons who live in the same household should trick or treat together and maintain 6 feet social distance from other trick or treaters at all times. If you find that a street becomes too crowded, it is safest to find a different area or another option. No more than 6 in a group.

2. All trick or treaters and their parents/guardians must be masked at all times.

3. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be carried and used frequently.

4. Homes wanting to participate can leave individually wrapped candy or treats at the front of their lawns or driveways, preferably on a table spread out.

5. Homeowners should wash their hands with soap and water and clean the table surface before placing the candy on the table and when replenishing.

6. Those passing out candy are free to enjoy the trick or treaters from at least 6 feet away and masked.

7. Children should be instructed not to eat any candy until they’ve arrived home and washed their hands with soap and water.

8. Once home, children need to wash their hands with soap and water. It would be safest to wait until the candy is inspected by an adult. A parent/guardian should assess the candy to make sure all packages were left wrapped, discarding any unwrapped candy.

9. Children should be encouraged to practice good dental hygiene.

10. The parent or guardian should practice good dental hygiene as well.

11. For apartment buildings, events should not occur inside the building.

12. For areas where homes do not have driveways/lawns, local areas are encouraged to schedule community trick or treating with staggered entry times throughout the day in different parts of the community either with drive-through or trunk or treating.

During the festive Halloween season, it’s important to remember that dental hygiene should remain a priority, even amidst the excitement of trick-or-treating. Encouraging children to practice good dental habits, such as brushing their teeth twice a day and flossing, can help prevent any potential oral health issues that may arise from consuming sugary treats. Additionally, parents or guardians should set an example by practicing good dental hygiene themselves, reinforcing the importance of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. However, accidents can happen, and in case of any unexpected dental emergencies, it’s reassuring to know that prompt assistance is available. Local communities should ensure access to emergency dental care services or provide information on nearby dental clinics that can address urgent oral health concerns, providing peace of mind to families during the Halloween festivities. By prioritizing dental hygiene and being prepared for any dental mishaps, everyone can enjoy a fun and safe Halloween experience.

Click here to view the full four page Halloween Safety Guidance document from the City of St. Louis.

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