2019 Shaw Helping Hands Community Grant Application

In keeping with Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association’s (SNIA) mission to “improve and maintain the quality of life of all Shaw residents”, we offer the Shaw Helping Hands Grant program aimed at assisting organizations who share that vision and are actively working to make it a reality. Past grant recipients have addressed educational, environmental, artistic, youth and social needs of the neighborhood.

We thank you for your commitment to making Shaw a strong and vibrant neighborhood and encourage you or members of your group to give back to your community by volunteering time or participating in a SNIA event.

Funding Priorities
1. Youth education and early childhood development
2. Community health and wellness
3. Community engagement and participation
4. Diversity and inclusion
5. Neighborhood beautification

1. Funding is available for organizations with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or groups or individuals who are
residents of the Shaw neighborhood
a. Grants to 501(c)(3) organizations will be disbursed as a single award; expenditure of which shall be detailed in the recipient’s final report
b. Funding awarded to individual residents will only cover specific supplies for a project or program. Purchases may be made directly by SNIA or can
be cost-reimbursable to the recipient.
2. Funding requests can be up to $2,000.
3. Projects and programs must be consistent with the SNIA mission and 501(c)(3) status.
4. Proposed projects and programs must be completed within one year of the start date.
5. If you were awarded a 2018 Helping Hands Grant, you must submit a report describing the utilization of your 2018 grant funds and project status by
April 30, 2019, even if the project is not yet complete.

Proposal Schedule

Request for Proposal Released April 1, 2019
Proposals Due April 30, 2019
Proposals will be uploaded to the SNIA website for public comment.

May 1 – May 16, 2019
Presentation, Proposal Review and Voting by SNIA Board of Directors

May 20, 2019
Announce Grant Recipients at General Membership Meeting June 3, 2019

Required Information
1. Cover Letter
a. The cover letter should introduce your organization and its mission – Please include your and/or your organization’s background and expertise.
b. Please describe the proposed project itself, specify the amount of funding requested, and provide your contact information.
2. Executive Summary (1-page maximum)
a. The executive summary should provide a concise summary of your proposed project.
b. Please state if this is a new or an existing program.
c. Please explain why this project is consistent with SNIA’s mission.
3. Statement of Need (1-page maximum)
a. Please describe the specific need, problem, or opportunity for improvement that the project will address.
b. Please include a description of the intended target audiences that will be affected
4. Project Plan – Methods and Strategies (1-page maximum)
a. Please provide detailed information on your exact plans and strategies for the project.
5. Goals and Objectives
a. Please describe or list the project’s goals and objectives.
6. Evaluation
a. Please identify which metrics you intend to use to measure or assess the achievement of your goals and objectives.
7. Budget & Budget Justification
a. Please provide a comprehensive budget for the project (do not limit this list to only those items that will be funded by the Helping Hands Grant)
and include an itemized list of the monies to be spent. Please also include the following:
i. Justifications for each cost to be covered by the Helping Hands grant.
ii. What amount of the budget is intended to be provided by you and/or your organization and how much will be funded by other organizations.
b. Please include the percentage of the full project budget that will be funded by the Helping Hands Grant.
8. If applicable, provide documentation of your 501(c)(3) status

Submission and Review
1. Submit all proposals to the SNIA office, 2211 S. 39th Street, St. Louis, MO 63110, or to snia@shawstlouis.org no later than 5pm CDT on April 30, 2019.
2. All proposals will be posted to the SNIA website and available for public comment. Residents that do not have access to the SNIA website can contact
the SNIA office to receive copies of the proposals.
3. Applicants will be required to present a brief overview of their proposal to the SNIA Board of Directors on May 20, 2019. Board of Directors will then
evaluate, and award funding determined upon by their merit and available funds. Additional terms or conditions may be set on awarded grants.
4. Grant recipients will be announced at or around the June SNIA general membership meeting.

Acknowledgements & Final Report
1. Any publicity material related to the event or project funded by the grant must include a notation that the project is supported by the Shaw
Neighborhood Improvement Association through the Shaw Helping Hands Grant Program.
2. Upon completion, a final report must be submitted to SNIA that describes the outcome of the project and details the use of the funding award. This
report must explicitly address the outcomes in relation to the originally proposed goals and objectives. Recipients may be asked to present their
final report at a general membership meeting of SNIA. Reports may be published in whole or in part in a SNIA publication.

Please direct any questions to the SNIA office at (314) 771-3101 or snia@shawstlouis.org.

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