Dorothy Garden (corner of Thurman and Shenandoah)

Saturday, May 12, 11am-1pm

This has become a neighborhood event, a great way to meet neighbors, friends, and gardeners and get something new for your garden. It’s the day before Mother’s Day, so maybe you can get a plant for your mom. 

Here’s how the swap/sale works:  

1. Plant Swap – You bring a plant from your garden and receive a ticket to use to purchase a plant.  

2. Plant Sale. – If you don’t have a plant to swap, you can buy plants. Prices are low, typically $1, $2, or $3. A very special plant may be priced a little higher. 

Because plants come from our Shaw Neighborhood gardens, you know they grow well here. 

This is a good opportunity to thin out crowded perennials and make room for something new. Please give us as much information as you have about the plants you bring, such as:

1. Its name –  what is it called?

2. Its habit – size, fast or slow grower, bloom time, color

3. Its needs – does it need sun, shade, water?

Please do not bring aggressive, invasive plants. Tall orange “roadside” daylilies are an example of problem plants (if you have one you have 200!). If your plant does grow fast and spreads easily, let us know so we can inform buyers. 

Profits go to the Shaw Neighborhood Garden Club and help keep Dorothy Garden looking good. Donations are accepted.  

If you would like to join the Garden Club or if you can help maintain the Garden, please leave your contact information at the Swap or contact Gwendolyn Moore


  1. Donna bruner April 19, 2018 at 4:08 pm - Reply

    Hello I am culling various ornamentals such as hostas, spurge, variegated Solomon’s seal and the like so I can expand my native pollinator plants. I will not be in town on the 12th. Can I bring my plants to Dorothy garden on the morning of the 11th and just leave them? No need to swap. If you have any special instructions about leaving them I would appreciate hearing these. Thanks!

    • Stephanie Herbers May 16, 2018 at 5:48 pm - Reply

      I hope you stopped by the garden last weekend. If not, feel free to leave them in the garden with a sign that says FREE. I am sure people will pick them up.

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