20151121-DSC05920This November Youth Committee hosted a video game workshop on Shaw Boulevard for the Youth Advisory Council. The company that joined us was Pixel Press, a local start-up company that is finding much national success.

The kids got to partake and learn about the brand new game Bloxels. Bloxels uses the combination of hands-on toys with video games. Robin Rath, of Pixel Press, showed us how to build video characters and screens on a board and then transfer those images into a video game via an Ipad.


It was a successful and fun event not only due to the opportunity to learn of a new game, but also to speak one-on-one with an entrepreneur and ask questions about what it takes to start a new company and launch a new product.


If you have or know a teenager that would like to receive information on upcoming Youth Committee events please contact Machelle Reeves via phone or text at 314-699-6707 to be added to the contact list.


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